Categories ArchivesDrum Recovery

Recycling service seeing yellow standard

Agrecovery Rural Recycling is seeing yellow since GEA FIL joined the recycling programme in early 2015. The industry-good recycling programme now has 64 participating brands and offers recycling for all sizes of containers, drums and IBCs, plus recovery of unwanted or expired agrichemicals. “We joined Agrecovery as soon as they started collecting large drums on-farm, as part of our ongoing commitment to offer a higher level of service to our customers,” said Jamie Mikkelson of GEA FIL. And it seems GEA FIL customers have grabbed the free recycling opportunity with both hands. “Over a quarter of the large drums we collect on-farm are FIL, and bookings are increasing all the time,” says Duncan Scotland of Agrecovery. As well as collecting ...

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Farm for our future and win standard

We all win… Recycling with Agrecovery benefits everyone in New Zealand because it helps protect our environment now and into the future. Recycling reduces the harm caused by burning and burying plastics and other items on-farm, and also enables collected plastic to be recycled into new uses. All the plastic we collect is processed in New Zealand and turned into underground cable cover. But you can win more with a total prize pool of $7,500! Everybody who undertakes an activity with Agrecovery before the end of March 2016 will automatically enter the draw to win a $5000 family holiday to the Pacific Island of your choice! If that’s not a good reason to get started, we don’t know what is. ...

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Farmers & growers demonstrate environmental commitment standard

Nine successive years of growth for Agrecovery Rural Recycling show that farmers and growers across the country are continuing to increase their sustainable recycling practices. Provisional results for the year ending June 2015 stand at 15,495kg of unwanted chemicals and 240,732kg of recycled plastic packaging collected by the industry good programme. This reflects a 50% jump in container recycling over a two year period. According to Adrienne Wilcock, Chair and Dairy NZ trustee on the Agrecovery Foundation, it was also a year of milestones for Agrecovery. “We exceeded one million kilograms of container plastic recycled since our 2007 launch and we now have over 10,000 farmer and grower members, one of whom won a new Suzuki motorbike in our recent ...

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Double win for rural recyclers standard

Agrecovery Rural Recycling has scored a double win for farmers and growers with the introduction of on-farm collection for large drums and with dairy hygiene brand GEA FIL joining the programme. The new service offers free on-property collection for empty drums and IBCs (from 61 to 1000 litres) from fourteen participating brand owners of agrichemical and dairy products. The brands are Agrisource, Adama (formerly Agronica), Bayer, BioAg, Donaghys, Etec Crop Solutions, FIL, Farmguard, Orion Crop Protection, Post-Harvest Solutions, Ravensdown, Synergy, Syngenta and Yara. More brands are expected to join as customer demand grows. “A solution for larger packaging is a natural next step for Agrecovery,” says Adrienne Wilcock, who represents DairyNZ on the Agrecovery Foundation. “Large scale farmers, spray contractors ...

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Agrecovery Foundation calls for burning bans standard

Agrecovery Foundation is calling for councils to introduce and enforce burning bans after a recycling surge followed the introduction of a burning ban in Canterbury in January 2014. Container recycling in the Canterbury region increased 113 percent to 36,140 kg in the six months after the introduction of the ban, compared to 16,960 for the same period last year. “We have seen a clear link between this ban and an increase in recycling in the Canterbury region,” says Agrecovery Foundation Chair, Graeme Peters. “It’s hard to argue with the numbers. The positive stand by Environment Canterbury has had a marked impact on the environment and we are calling on other councils to implement new bans or do more to enforce existing bans. “In ...

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It’s the pits! standard

Getting a handle on non-natural rural waste in Canterbury Rural waste is poorly understood. The types and volumes of waste produced and the way it is managed remainssomewhat of a mystery, unlike urban waste management, which has been the primary focus of waste managers for the last few decades. Logistically and financially, good waste management is a difficult proposition for the majority of farmers and, anecdotally, this results in the adoption of less-than-desirable waste management practices, which may be impacting on our environment. In 2012, Environment Canterbury commissioned scoping studies to investigate the management of non-natural rural waste (non-organic, solid waste) generated by farms and agribusinesses in the region. The preliminary studies found that very little rural waste data exists ...

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Getting ready for Gypsy Day 2013 with Agrecovery standard

With Gypsy Day just three weeks away, Agrecovery is encouraging all farmers and sharemilkers leaving their current farm to clear up any recyclable on-farm plastic containers and unused or unwanted agrichemicals now ahead of the big move. 1 June has become known as Gypsy Day for hundreds of farmers and sharemilkers as dairy farms change ownership, and families move their households, equipment and cattle to new properties. “The next few weeks are a very busy time on New Zealand’s farming calendar. We’re asking everyone who is moving to take a quick look around their property and shed now for any empty containers, drums and unwanted agrichemicals and get it to us so it’s not left as a problem for the ...

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New brand owners for drum recovery standard

In September 2011 Agrecovery launched a programme for the recovery of 61 – 1000 litre plastic and steel drums. The programme started with seven participating brand owners, there now are fourteen! Drums belonging to the fourteen brand owners are eligible for free on-property collection. Drums must be empty, triple rinsed and reasonably clean. They must also be identifable as belonging to participating brand owners. To book collection: For a booking form simply freephone 0800 AGRECOVERY (0800 247 326) or download the form. Drums from brand owners who do not participate in the Agrecovery drum programme can be collected at a cost of $10 per ...

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New Drum recovery programme standard

Avoiding accidents with agrichemicals is high on the agenda with a new drum recovery programme launched by Agrecovery Rural Recycling. The Agrecovery Drum programme offers farmers and growers around the country free on property collection for plastic or steel drums from 61 - 1000 litres in size. Drums must be empty and triple rinsed. The programme follows international best practice ensuring that drums are returned to the manufacturer or reconditioned through an approved contractor. Those that have reached the end of their useful life will be appropriately recycled; a process certified by Agrecovery’s recycling partners. Duncan Scotland, Sales and Marketing Manager for the Agrecovery programme, says “There is a real cottage industry in New Zealand with drums collected by “drum runners”. These ...

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