Container Recycling
Don’t burn or dump – It’s free to recycle!
Agrecovery provides free recycling for HDPE plastic containers from over 3000 of the most common ag-chem, animal health and dairy hygiene products sold into the New Zealand market.
So let’s make burning and dumping a thing of the past!
Prepare your containers
Containers must be:
- HDPE Plastic, 0-60 litres in size, with lid removed
- Free from chemical residue and dirt inside and out – triple rinsing is recommended and the container must be well drained
Check participating brand owners
Only containers from participating brand owners are free to recycle. Look for the Agrecovery logo on the pack or check our brand owner listing. Please leave the label on for identification at the collection site.
Find your local collection site
There are over 160 collection sites nationwide, plus collection events in areas without a permanent site.
Large users (500+ containers) can request on-property collection subject to property accessibility.
Take your containers to site
All containers are inspected before they can be accepted to ensure the health and safety of site and processing staff, and to ensure plastic is not contaminated for recycling.
If you aren’t already an Agrecovery member, you’ll need to register as a member in order to recycle your containers – it’s free and easy! Just click the link below to register.
Other Programmes
Quick links
Helpful information to get you started with Container recycling:
Triple Rinsing Guide
For more info, click here to download our triple rinsing guide.
Participating Brand Owners
Click here to see all container participating brand owners.
Sites and Events
Click here to find out your local collection site.
Acceptance Criteria
Click here to read about our acceptance criteria.
What happens to my containers?
What happens to all the plastic?
Have a question?
Participating Brand Owners pay a fee to the Agrecovery Foundation based on their sales volume into the NZ market. Combined fee funds are used to cover all programme costs, enabling free access to farmers and growers.
User-pays stickers can be purchased from Agrecovery and applied to containers from non-brand owners prior to recycling. Better yet, switch to an Agrecovery brand, or convince your supplier to get with the programme!
Containers are recycled here in New Zealand into safe end uses, predominantly underground cable cover.
Agrecovery Containers is accredited by the Minister for the Environment as a Product Stewardship Programme under the Waste Minimisation Act 2008. Read the Accreditation Summary.
You can download recycling reports through the Members Section of the website.
A guide to downloading your Activity Report can be found here.