Clearing waste from farms for 18 years.

What we do

We provide agrichemical container recycling and chemical recovery for New Zealand farmers and growers.

We are seeking to expand the services we offer to farmers and growers to include other products for recycling.

Our product stewardship scheme is one of a worldwide network of similar national schemes affiliated to CropLife International’s standards.

The brand owners that distribute agrichemical, animal health and dairy hygiene products into the New Zealand market take responsibility for the disposal of these products and their packaging at the end of their useful life.

They do this by paying the Agrecovery Foundation fees and levies to cover programme costs. This enables free access to programme users.

How we are run

We are run by the Agrecovery Foundation, a not-for-profit charitable trust.

Agrecovery Foundation Trustees are accountable for the strategic direction of Agrecovery and represent key areas of the primary sector: Animal and Plant Health NZ, DairyNZ, Federated Farmers, Horticulture New Zealand, Rural Contractors New Zealand, Waikato Regional Council for local government, and an elected nominee of distributors of agrichemicals and over-the-counter animal health products.

Daily operational aspects of the programme are now managed by the Foundation.

Agrecovery Containers and Chemicals are accredited Product Stewardship Schemes under the Waste Minimisation Act 2008.

Who we work with

We are affiliated with, and belong to, local and international networks and recycling schemes. We are a member organisation of the European Association of Plastics Recycling and Recovery Organisations, CropLife International and the NZ  Sustainability Council.

Annual Reports

Agrecovery Foundation

The board is made up of representatives from the following organisations, plus an elected nominee of distributors of agrichemicals and over-the-counter animal health products.

Agrecovery Partners

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