South Island vegetable growing business and New Zealand GAP approved supplier Wai-iti Fresh waited a long time for a programme like Agrecovery to solve their plastic disposal problems.
On 240 hectares of land located about 20 minutes south of Rangiora, Wai-iti Fresh is a family business growing and supplying fresh vegetables to South Island wholesale customers, as well as lucerne and maize for dairy farmers, and seed for export. Wai-iti Fresh also runs some stock on the property.
Second-generation owner Emma McCracken says four years ago when she took over the property from her parents, who had been growing 35 years prior to that, disposing of used agrichemical plastic was a persistent problem.
‘Before Agrecovery, it was really tricky, and we were waiting for someone to do something about it,’ says Emma.
As an approved New Zealand GAP supplier, Emma says it’s important to focus on environmental sustainability and demonstrate that in practical ways such as using the Agrecovery programme.
‘It’s good that there’s now a place to dispose of these products. We also like the fact that it gets reused and made into other products right here in New Zealand.’
The Agrecovery Container collection site is close by at Hide’s Spraying in Rangiora and Emma says it’s made it very convenient to use the programme.
Hide Spraying Ltd is located at 211 Mt Thomas Road, Rangiora, and is open Monday from 8am to 5pm and other days by arrangement.