Monthly ArchivesJune 2020

COVID-19 Update: 13 May standard

AGRECOVERY SERVICES RESUME WITH SOME PRECAUTIONS As New Zealand is in Alert Level 2 of the government’s response to COVID-19 from 14 May, recycling at sites around the country can resume, as well as on-farm collections and chemical recovery operations. Sites are accepting containers Our sites are accepting agrichemical containers, but some preparation is needed before you drop them off. This includes contacting the site, as well as following some extra precautions. Make sure you read our guidance on dropping off containers to sites during Alert Level 2. Dropping off containers to sites Find your local Keep triple-rinsing containers Make sure you are triple-rinsing containers correctly, see: triple rinsing guide triple rinsing video On-farm collections  Call us for an on-farm ...

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