Monthly ArchivesJuly 2014

Agrecovery Foundation calls for burning bans standard

Agrecovery Foundation is calling for councils to introduce and enforce burning bans after a recycling surge followed the introduction of a burning ban in Canterbury in January 2014. Container recycling in the Canterbury region increased 113 percent to 36,140 kg in the six months after the introduction of the ban, compared to 16,960 for the same period last year. “We have seen a clear link between this ban and an increase in recycling in the Canterbury region,” says Agrecovery Foundation Chair, Graeme Peters. “It’s hard to argue with the numbers. The positive stand by Environment Canterbury has had a marked impact on the environment and we are calling on other councils to implement new bans or do more to enforce existing bans. “In ...

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Priority Waste Streams Consultation standard

The Agrecovery Foundation has submitted the following document to the Ministry for the Environment following the call for submissions around priority waste streams including agrichemicals and agricultural plastics. If you have any questions around this submission, please contact: Graeme Peters Chair, Agrecovery Foundation 04 499 4225 027 66 77 400

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