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South Island vegetable growing business and New Zealand GAP approved supplier Wai-iti Fresh waited a long time for a programme like Agrecovery to solve their plastic disposal problems.
Continue ReadingSouth Island vegetable growing business and New Zealand GAP approved supplier Wai-iti Fresh waited a long time for a programme like Agrecovery to solve their plastic disposal problems.
Continue ReadingLeading New Zealand agribusiness Brownrigg Agriculture has a reputation for innovation with a proven willingness to test and adopt new practices that enhance product quality. Its latest initiative to ensure continued long-term sustainability has been to support the Agrecovery rural recycling programme.
Continue ReadingFive new companies have joined Agrecovery from the 1st of April bringing to 50 the number of participating brand owners. This coincides with the 3rd anniversary of the programme’s launch. “We started the programme 3 years ago with just 12 brand owners and are delighted to now have 50 supporting companies,” says Bruce Emerson, director of 3R Group, programme managers for Agrecovery. “It’s a great result which shows the strong support that this programme has across the industry. It also makes the programme even easier for farmers and growers to use, as there are now so few brand owners outside the programme.” One of the new brand owners, Paeroa-based AgriSea NZ Ltd, is a multi-award winning sustainable New Zealand company ...
Continue ReadingKatikati farmer and avocado and kiwifruit grower Hugh Moore will be heading to Government House on April 10 to pick up his Queen’s Service Medal for services to horticulture. A prominent figure in the industry since the 1970’s, this latest accolade adds to the Bledisloe Cup award he received in 2008, and recognises his past and current efforts on behalf of growers including executive roles with NZ Kiwifruit Growers Incorporated, the Avocado Growers Association, Katikati Fruitgrowers Association, and the Horticultural Export Authority. In addition, Hugh’s own business, Morris Moore Farms includes four orchards producing more than 150,000 trays of kiwifruit and 10,000 trays of avocados a year, as well as a packhouse operation. With all this under his belt, he ...
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