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COVID-19 UPDATE standard

AGRECOVERY SERVICES AT ALERT LEVEL 2 & 3 Agrecovery services are up and running for regions at Alert Level 2 of the government’s response to COVID-19 - with extra measures in place to ensure that this can be done safely. For regions at alert level 3  - Agrecovery services are on hold Sites in regions at Alert Level 2 A quick guide for recycling at Alert Level 2 demonstrates how container drop-offs at collection sites will be managed. Key points to note are: Contact your local collection site ahead of time to see if specific check-in procedures are required. Scan the site's QR Code on arrival. Wear a face covering and maintain physical distancing of 2 metres at all times during the drop-off and inspection ...

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Rural Waste Minimisation Project Pilot standard

The New Zealand Rural Waste Minimisation Project finds new ways for rural communities to better manage on-farm waste like soft plastics, old chemicals and used oil. Two pilot projects in Matamata and Geraldine provided a one-stop shop - tackling rural waste in an efficient, safe and managed way. The project is based on collaboration between the rural community, regional and district councils, industry representatives, Ministry for the Environment and others. Find out more about the ...

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