Monthly ArchivesJune 2024

Agrecovery’s Green-farms Product Stewardship Scheme accredited to create more recycling opportunities for farmers standard

In a significant milestone for New Zealand’s agricultural sector, Agrecovery is excited to announce that its innovative Green-farms Product Stewardship Scheme (GPSS) has been officially accredited under the Waste Minimisation Act (2008). The accreditation marks a pivotal moment in the collective journey towards sustainable agricultural practices, emphasising stewardship and responsible management of primary sector plastic resources. The GPSS is designed to tackle the challenge of farm plastic waste head-on, with a focus on four primary farm plastics waste streams in the first 3 years of the scheme being in effect: agrichemical containers, bale wrap and silage sheets, small seed and feed bags, and large 1T and 500kg fertiliser sacks. The GPSS has also been accredited to incorporate Animal Health and ...

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