The Agrecovery Foundation has issued their Annual Report for 2013/2014.

It was a successful year for the programme and work is well under way to achieve even more in 2014/2015.

Key successes for the past financial year:

  • 39% increase in collected container volume
  • 26% increase in recovered chemicals
  • Financially sound position – increases options for investment to further improve collection rates; and increases our ability to recover more chemicals.

Key focus for the Foundation for the current financial year:

  • Increasing our collected container volume
  • Working with government and stakeholders for priority product status

Chair’s Report

The year under review was the second successful year of the board’s five-year strategy, which has the central goal of increasing the amount of waste plastic and chemical removed from rural areas.

In the year ending June 30, 2014, Agrecovery collected 219 tonnes of plastic containers, a 39 percent jump from the previous year.

And a total of 19.9 tonnes of unwanted or unused chemicals were recovered, an increase of 26 percent.

The pleasing upsurge in container recycling and chemical recovery is a positive change in the habits of New Zealand farmers and growers. But there’s still more to do, and government looks set to help…

Read the full Chair’s Report

Financial Report

Another success in 2013/2014 was the posting of a solid surplus which puts the Foundation on a firm financial footing and with a clear reserves policy. This is very important in an organisation with income that ebbs and flows seasonally but with expenses that do not.

Read the Financial Report

New Trustees

During 2013/2014 two new trustees were appointed to the board of the Agrecovery Foundation, representing DairyNZ and manufacturers and distributors of agrichemicals and animal health products.

Other trustees represent Agcarm (Chair), Federated Farmers, Horticulture NZ, Rural Contractors, and Waikato Regional Council (for local government).


DairyNZ – Adrienne Wilcox

Adrienne is a dairy farmer from Matamata with 30 years practical experience in the dairy industry, working alongside her husband, Warwick. She manages the finance and administration for their business, rears the calves and helps out as required. Prior to this, Adrienne had a brief career in banking.

Adrienne is a graduate of the Escalator programme, a year long course in governance and leadership run by the Agri Womens Development Trust.

Whilst raising a family, she has also been actively involved in numerous community organisations and sports clubs, regularly taking on the roles of treasurer or president.


Manufacturers and distributers of agrichemicals and animal health products – Brendan Morahan

Brendan has been employed with CRT (now Farmlands), since July 2003 as an AgChem Category Manager based in Christchurch, having previously worked for other Farm Co-operatives.

Brendan is also a member of Agcarm Executive and recently completed The LEADing Board professional development course for Co-operative Directors which covers directors’ responsibilities.